Digital Transformations: Strategies for Success

We are well into the digital era, and businesses are reaping the rewards in terms of meaningful, business-defining data. Today we understand the customer journey and all of its complexities in ways that we never before have. And while some businesses position themselves on the leading edge of technology and innovation, others struggle to navigate the twists and turns.

A graphic meant to represent the struggle people face with one another over digital transformation.

successful digital transformation takes a team effort. You will need your people on board as you begin making radical changes to procedures, policies, processes, and the very structure of your business to be a fully digital company.

What Do We Mean by a Digital Transformation?

All areas of business have steadily become more integrated with technology over the past several decades. Your health records have moved from paper charts to electronic records that can be shared with providers worldwide with the click of a mouse. Entire businesses are connected to central systems that allow management to dial in on efficiencies. Automation is replacing human labor on assembly lines, and an increasing number of workplaces and academic institutions are doing business virtually more often than not these days.

In short, a digital transformation is a shift towards embracing technology to change how businesses operate. At this stage in the game, digital transformation is essential to remain competitive in the market. All companies of all sizes should embrace a digital-first mindset as they make decisions going forward.

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How People Influence a Digital Transformation

Just because the world is embracing the digital era doesn’t mean that the change will be easy, however. Businesses will need to work hard to get complete buy-in from teams at all levels. New technology and processes will need to be adopted quickly as people express support for changes that will advance your company’s digital progress.

You can expect resistance and a range of complications if your team doesn’t support the initiative, so you’ll need to ensure you have their dedication to the process. Instead of unilaterally harping on the benefits that technology brings to the table, speak to their need to change. Consider starting the conversation by identifying old ways of thinking and using those examples to illustrate your roadblocks to innovation and future success. That way you can reframe their resistance to technology.

A man working at his computer focusing on Information Technology Support.

How Processes Adapt to Digital Transformation

Speaking of old ways of thinking, as businesses adopt more technology, their policies, procedures, and processes must adapt to meet changing needs. Just two years ago, most companies didn’t have a remote work policy, and now that a global pandemic has forced a culture shift, these policies are becoming commonplace.

Every process that your business has today will grow, adapt, and change to accommodate the technological changes of the future. In many ways, this is a natural evolution of business. Technology isn’t the scary monster that many perceive it to be; it can be empowering and is revolutionizing the way that we do business.

Do you need help overcoming your customer challenges through new technology innovations? BrainCX can help you by offering the right services at the right times, whether they’re low-cost self-service opportunities or high-touch, personalized interactions.

Data-Driven Objectives for Digital Transformations

One of the most powerful opportunities within the realm of digital transformation is the ability to leverage customer data to drive operational decisions. Businesses have been collecting customer data since they figured out how to embed forms on their websites. But for many companies, that data goes to waste, sitting around in unusable formats.

Now, big data and AI are entering the picture in significant ways and finally providing valuable methods for businesses to extrapolate their data to use in meaningful ways. This provides laser-focused details on buyer journey’s so companies can really understand who their customers are and how they find their way to the checkout line. This information is vital to blending digital modalities and human interaction.

Consider your call center interactions, for example. Your customers don’t want to wait in long queues and deal with poorly trained operators, and they definitely don’t want to be transferred a dozen times to get an answer to their questions. They want accurate and timely information, and the best way to deliver it is by using chatbots and automated operators. Unfortunately, those same customers can be put off by the lack of personalization in these methods, which puts pressure on businesses to find a balance between digital transformation and human interaction.

Related: BCX Digital Experience

Evaluating Technology Capabilities

So, you’ve acknowledged that the potential for technology to improve your business is significant. Maybe you’ve even identified some glaring gaps where your company is a little behind your competitors in embracing technology.

The first step forward is to assess your current situation and identify opportunities. One of the biggest hurdles that businesses in the midst of digital transformation face are system integrations. A few years back, when you invested in new accounting software, you may not have been thinking about how that system will integrate with production scheduling or invoicing systems later on. Today’s reality is that businesses are using complex systems that can run their entire business instead of a handful of individual programs that silo data within departments. The upside is that everyone has access to the same information.

A robot packing products.

Alt: A robot packing products.

Orientation, Structure, and Objectives

Businesses, especially those more than a decade old, weren’t built with the level of digital intervention that exists today. In fact, many of those businesses were structured around processes that put the focus strictly on products and services. But a new era of digital-savvy businesses has emerged, and they are built on a different model that puts their customers first and builds their services, processes, and policies around them.

As businesses embark on a digital transformation, they aren’t just adopting new technologies. Instead, businesses are fundamentally changing their structure and priorities to fit the needs of modern consumers.

Related: BCX Customer Experience

Final Words on Successful Digital Transformations

Embracing technology in all areas of business is a smart and borderline essential move in the current day and age. Technology can offer invaluable data insights and help streamline efficiency that boosts productivity and pads the bottom line. However, making the right moves takes strategy that not every business has developed. There are too many companies peddling software solutions with big promises, but more often than not, they just offer roadblocks to functional integration. As we march forward in the digital era, the chief information officer (IT) is becoming the MVP in many organizations, and it’s essential that all businesses come to understand the significance of that.

BCX is your partner in revolutionizing your contact center concept through specialized high-touch and low-touch technology. Contact us today to learn more!


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